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Fab City Hubs, CENTRINNO research project and the Fab City Global Initiative
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Fab City Hubs, CENTRINNO research project and the Fab City Global Initiative
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Fab City Hub is a concept that emerged in the context of the Fab City Global Initiative (FCGI), a global action led by a collective of civic leaders, makers, urbanists and innovators working on shifting the urban industrial paradigm to one that better supports life on Earth, based on relocating production in our cities. The Initiative is based on the Fab City Network, composed of 38 cities (and counting) which aim to produce everything they consume by 2054.
Fab City Hubs are an evolution of Fab Labs, living labs, and maker spaces. FCHs provide access to activities of local production, knowledge creation and innovation in a holistic way and from a multi-layered perspective. They aim to support the co-creation of situated responses to local needs and to foster a global network of knowledge-exchange practices among like-minded actors.
FCHs are key pieces of the Fab City Full Stack, a framework that helps cities and regions interpret the Fab City challenge and guides them to implement it in a multiscalar and ecosystemic approach. It assists cities in defining their own Strategic Action Plan that reflects their local community and bioregion.
FCHs aim to work as city-scale interfaces locally engaged with communities of makers, common citizens, and authorities, but also globally connected to a network of other Fab Cities. Through dedicated platforms, the network shares knowledge, experiences, toolkits, frameworks, and methods on how to achieve the overarching challenge of the FCGI. The FCH Toolkit could potentially become one of the next platforms of the Fab City platform ecosystem diagram.
CENTRINNO is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to develop strategies, approaches, and solutions for the regeneration of neglected industrial historic sites and areas into locally productive, sustainable, and inclusive hubs. It proposes to explore, implement and support the emergence of a new type of hubs named Fab City Hubs (FCHs), in the nine pilot cities (Amsterdam, Barcelona, BlΓΆnduΓ³s, Copenhagen, Geneva, Milan, Paris, Tallinn, Zagreb) as testbeds for sustainable manufacturing in urban environments.
One of the main objectives of CENTRINNO and the overarching challenge that drives the experimentation process of the Pilot Cities is to set up, run and maintain innovative models of creative and productive hubs, called Fab City Hubs (FCHs).
This Fab City Hubs Toolkit is an iterative effort during and after the CENTRINNO project to support the emergence of these new typologies of hubs. This endeavor has already been initiated by the Fab City Global Initiative (FCGI). In particular, the FCH Toolkit builds upon and is complementary to a series of previous resources, some of which were developed in other European projects that will be listed.
The creation of a network of Fab City Hubs is one of the most important milestones of the CENTRINNO project.
This network supports the development of interconnected socially inclusive communities. It has two different scales where interactions take place:
the locally situated hubs' networks where different actors will collaborate to tackle urban challenges
the global knowledge-exchange network across the nine CENTRINNO cities and beyond
π To learn more about local Fab City Hubs developed during CENTRINNO project you can explore the section FAB CITY HUBS PIONEERS of this document.
To learn more about the Fab City Hubs Network here are other useful links:
Discover the CENTRINNO website project
Be onboard in the Fab City Network
Join a local Fab City Hub
Discover the Make.Works platform and community
Join the conversation on the Slack Channel (on demand)