🏭Designing Democratic Dialogues

Take care of the intangible! An approach to reveal the value of the past to shape a better future.

What is this tool about and why is it relevant ?

The Emotion Networking method is a well known tool within the 9 (Centrinno) FCHs as they have experimented this tool in a format of a workshop. Within the CENTRINNO research project, it has been used as a framework to integrate the heritage perspective in developing the local pilot sites. If you want to know more about the general methodology you could have a look here.

The example from Copenhagen exemplifies very well how the method can initiate new dialogues among different neighbourhood actors and support a democratic process towards developing future zoning plans with an Heritage sensitive approach.

It is used as a tool to facilitate a democratic dialogue between citizens about how to develop local neighbourhoods and about preservation of cultural heritage.

The municipal department working with local zoning plans have pointed out a lack of tools to systematically involve local citizens in the development of zoning plans and general work on urban development. Having identified the demand for new tools the Copenhagen team saw a potential for the EN tool to initiate a democratic dialogue about urban development.

Decision-making related to city renewal and urban development is often affected by conflict. Thus, the municipality is continuously trying to identify how to best involve local actors and perspectives throughout the decision-making process. The EN tool can be introduced as a systematic way to ensure an open and democratic process in the early stages of decision-making processes.

The organisation of multiple Emotion Networking workshops with employees from the municipality and local actors allowed the local team in Copenhagen to obtain the following achievements:

facilitation of a democratic dialogue between citizens about how to develop local neighbourhoods as well as preserving cultural and building heritage

fostering of inclusive decision making process about urban renewal

→ identifying specific elements of heritage important to local stakeholders

Organisational Practices

The use of this tool contributed to the following changes in local organisational practices each of them may relate to some of the three foundational aspects of a FCH: Vision , Community and Infrastructure.

OP1. Activating interactions and facilitating connections and collaborations among the different actors active in urban environments

OP4. Engaging with and creating new institutions through experimentation and prototyping of diverse assemblages of actors and functions

OP6. - Enabling participation in expression and debate through inclusive approaches that give space to citizens and local communities

Key Steps

Find here a list of fundamental steps shared by the Copenhagen FCH Team that you can follow if you want to organise an Emotion Networking workshop for your Fab City Hub's actions.

Find out the right context

Identify the relevant context in which the tool will contribute to collecting input from local actors. (In the CPH pilot in the context of local committees and ETA engaged in renewal and urban development processes).

Select topics that are relevant to discuss

Identify the potential elements that might be relevant to discuss. It is also possible It is recommended to point out only one specific element per discussion.

Identify and Invite key actors

Identify relevant local actors (preferably a diverse group representing different perspectives) and invite them for the EN session.

Prepare for the session

Prepare physical material for the EN session and facilitate the EN session.

Check here for the guidelines you can follow.


Document reflection and summary of input, including discussion on how to ensure that the output gained through the session is used - e.g. ensure that it feeds into the decision-making process

Summary Table

Do you want to learn more?

Here some useful links that you can look at if you want to better understand how Copenhagen is using heritage sensitive activities to set up their Fab City Hub:

→ Read this article to better understand Emotion Networking as a tool to bring heritage into focus

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