🥝Service Journey

A visual representation to assess and adjust your service-oriented initiatives

What is it about and why is it relevant ?

A service journey places the user of a service at centre stage and provides a visual representation of who is involved in defining a service, whom your target group has been in touch with, what has happened during the service process, and what the experience was like. The exercise will help you identify areas where you do too little or, perhaps, too much, where to initiate and conclude on the service, and what you should do yourselves versus what you should leave up to others.

There are different canvases and templates that could be used to apply this tool. Here we share with you a link to DDC's and Waag's Co-creation Navigator versions of Service Journey:

Service Journey may be used in the CENTRINNO School and other service-based offerings in CENTRINNO, connected to any of the other key concepts.

Summary Table



Adjust, plan and identify gaps in services




30' - 120'

Facilitator | Participants

1 | 5


Online & Offline


CENTRINNO Tagging System

#COMMUNITY, #SocialInclusion

Last updated