👥Centrinno School Implementation Roadmap

Track your advancements

What is it about and why is it relevant ?

The CS Roadmap is an online tool that helps educators and policymakers to monitor and assess the implementation of an educational programme from planning to legacy.

It is composed by 3 sections:

  • a music stave

  • a step-by-step advancement table

  • a planner

The music stave is used to have an overview on what partners are working on and where the efforts are concentrated at a certain moment of the project. It keeps changing along the duration of the programme and it doesn’t progress linearly and it’s not intended to show advancements.

The step-by-step advancement table lists the steps of implementation of a CENTRINNO school project, from scoping to legacy, through stakeholders, space, implementation and assessment. Every phase has a subset of actions to help monitor the progress in detail. Partners use tokens to mark if the action has started, is in progress or it has been completed. This table should move towards green along the duration of the project. It is also helpful to have a quick overview of the critical points that need intervention because they block the project.

The planner is a table that should be used to plan when to work on specific tasks over the next months.

Main Purposes 👍

Organisations running FCH could potentially obtain the following objectives by using this tool :

  • to self-reflect about the implementation of an educational programme

  • to identify critical issues

  • to plan the workload and identify the needed resources

Key Steps

Find here a list of fundamental steps you should follow if you want to implement a Roadmap for your FCH's CENTRINNO School :

First have a look to this :

page5. The CENTRINNO School Roadmap
  1. Identify the phases of the development of the programme

  2. Design an online board for assessment

  3. Update it regularly with the dedicated team

Summary Table






30 minutes per month

Facilitator I Participants

F=1 I P=1





Tagging System

Last updated